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TYPO3 Fluid: Create a Fluid content template file

Create a file called "main_1_column_with_menu.html" and put it in the "/fileadmin/templates" folder.
The file content will look like this:

<div id="content">
    <div id="content_menu">
        <f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.content_menu" />
    <div id="content_main">
    <div class="clearer"></div>

There are 2 pieces of Fluid code in here. The first piece tells the Fluid engine to get content from the typoscript content object "lib.content_menu" and put it in the content_menu div. The second piece gets content from the content_main Fluid variable. This content typically comes from the TYPO3 backend, which you will put in later, and will be put in the content_main div. Please note that you can replace <f:format.raw>{content_main}</f:format.raw> with a short notation: {content_main -> f:format.raw()}. Both do the same job.

Please note: if you use TYPO3 v10, leave out the first piece of Fluid code (i.e. <f:cObject .../>). It will result in an error if you try to load the website without the actual typoscript content object.

Next, create a backend layout ->

The TYPO3Buddy website is a tutorial to rebuild the TYPO3Buddy website from scratch. You can choose from a TYPO3 Fluid tutorial and a TYPO3 Templavoila tutorial. You'll build TYPO3 websites like you've done so for years!

Kind reminder! This tutorial has been tested with and updated for TYPO3 v10. Please keep in mind that the tutorial has once been set up for TYPO3 v6. It follows some deprecated conventions. If so, this will be mentioned in the tutorial.